Monday, January 18, 2016


Listen Child,
I am calling you to Myself this morning, I want you to listen to Me and understand: I look at a person’s heart to know them.  Nothing outside a person can make them “unclean” or “evil”.  Defilement does not come from the air, or the world, rather it comes out of a person’s heart.  Be wise and understand; it is what is in your heart that keeps you from Me. 

The heart brings forth goodness, or it brings forth evil.  A heart that is far from Me will show it by the deeds and thoughts that come out of it, and so it is with a heart that is close to Me.  Examine your heart My child: When I look at your heart do I see goodness, kindness, generosity, lack of anger; do I see joy, a desire to grow, and a heart that wants to submit to Me?  Draw near to Me that I might cleanse your heart and bring you into purity through a close relationship with Me.  Let our hearts be one.

Mark 7:14-23

Father, help me to see my own impurity that I might bring these to Jesus and allow him to cleanse my heart and change me.  I easily see the sins of others, but somehow I justify my own weaknesses.  I know this walk with you is a process, help me to grow a little each day.  Change me; change my heart.  Amen.

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