Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I want to tell you that my heart belongs to God - after all I am a Christian.  I’ve received Jesus as my Savior, and I have the Holy Spirit.  I always try and behave in a way that glorifies God.  Sure, I do sometimes fail, but honestly it’s usually not my fault; most of the time I can justify my slips in spirituality because of the people in my life.  You know the ones I mean: If only “he” would do what he is supposed to or not do what he is not supposed to do there wouldn’t be issues.  If only my children would listen to me, and respect me, and keep up their end they wouldn’t irritate me.  If only my Father would have been godlier and less volatile, then I would be able to be a different person, then I would be able to respond in a more Godly way to situations. Honestly, I try, but it’s really not my fault you see; I am the accidental hypocrite.

I am really a good person and I love almost everybody.  I try not to gossip and I don’t outwardly judge others, so I don’t understand why people point out my failures.  Yes, I do make grimacing facial expressions when I see others falling short, but I don’t consider that judging – I don’t confront them, yes, I may shake my head, but I keep quiet.  I can’t help it if my body language gets away from me; I try to keep it in check. I am the accidental hypocrite.

I know God values faithfulness and one day he plans to reward us for our faithfulness, but in this day and age there are just too many good choices.  I make promises; commit to things then I can’t make it happen – that’s life – right? I do the best I can, and while I’m making plans life gets in the way.  I really have good intentions when things start out and that is all that matters.  I don’t understand why people get so caught up with my lack of follow through on promises and commitments - they aren’t perfect either.  I really have good intentions and good excuses, so that makes it okay in my mind, at least I try.  I am the accidental hypocrite.

I truly love God but I don’t always spend time in His presence.  Sure, I go to church,  I sing the songs and try and focus on God, but honestly I can’t help noticing what the worship leader is wearing and how loud the music is.  These things are important - after all they do affect my worship. Then sometimes I can’t seem to stay focused on the pastor’s words, but I do notice what other people are wearing and how their hair is combed. I sometimes make lists of things I need to do that week while the pastor is preaching his sermon.  It’s not because I don’t want to hear what he is saying, but because I am very busy.  I want to keep everything running smoothly at my house, and to do that I have to make lists.  So, I do it on Sunday mornings during church, after all, that is about the only quiet time I get.   So, it is somewhat justified; don’t you think? I am the accidental hypocrite.

I have faith in the power of prayer but I don’t spend the time in prayer that I know I should.  I take down prayer requests; I learn about the needs of others and the world, but I’m busy, I have things to do, ministry things, important things, and they seem to edge out my time for prayer.  I feel guilty about this sometimes and I make plans to change, but I never do, I’m thinking it’s the thought that counts.  I am the accidental hypocrite.

I believe the Bible is God’s word and able to change me, renovate me and restore me, but making the time to sit down and really dig into the Bible is daunting to me.  I want to read the Bible every day, to have a devotion every day, but there are so many other things I need to do that I put it off till it is just too late.  This makes me feel bad, but then I ask God to forgive me, and I have a long list of reasons to justify myself to Him - then I feel better.  I am the accidental hypocrite.

I really believe God wants me to give out of my abundance to those who serve me at church and elsewhere.  I always make plans to give at least a tenth every month, but then the Credit Card Bill comes due.  I chastise myself for overspending again. Then I remember God always wants us to look our best.  If we went around in shabby clothes what kind of testimony would that be, and did you see those shoes that were on sale this week?  Saving money is just as good a virtue as giving money - don’t you think that’s true?  I do! I am the accidental hypocrite.

I believe Jesus when He said the second most important commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.  I’ve memorized these verses, but I wonder if He really knows my neighbors.  They don’t often wave back when I wave.  They let their kids climb in my trees - I’ve caught them.  They are always rushing here and there, and don’t take the time to visit.  I know I should be praying for them.  I know I should be sharing with them, but I’m busy too.  If I really loved them as I loved myself I wouldn’t have time for my real family.  And that’s the important one.  I am the accidental hypocrite.

I’ve read in the Bible over and over that I should be meek and humble, that I should turn the other cheek when I get hurt.  I know all about God’s forgiveness and I know he wants me to forgive too, but sometimes people just aren’t forgivable.  You know the ones I mean, those who don’t ever want to get along; those that hurt you just for the fun of it.  I have a few in my family and I avoid them at all costs.  There are also those who act in ways that are anti-god, anti-scripture.  How can I forgive those people when they are constantly committing sin?  I ask God to forgive me and I know he does but 
I’m not going to go so far as to forgive those who don’t deserve it – I think I’m on the right track here.  I am the accidental hypocrite.

I believe in Jesus and I believe anyone who does not know Jesus is going suffer for eternity.  I believe that I am His ambassador and a minister of reconciliation; I’ve read these verses in the Bible.  But I’m just too shy to share my faith.  I’ve tried and it’s scary.  People don’t always make it easy either; there are a lot of jerks out there; they can be rude and reject me.  I think God gives missionaries and pastors the gift of sharing.  I think I should share but I just don’t feel comfortable and anyway I've been told that it is my lifestyle that counts.  I am the accidental hypocrite.

I just learned about the Pharisees in the New Testament.  I learned how they had God’s law but they didn’t get it.   They didn’t get that they needed a heart change too.  Can you believe it?  I’m glad I know the Bible and God’s plan for me.  I’m glad I have the Holy Spirit and I’m thankful that He is always working in my life.  I’m glad because sometimes I need help being righteous and I know God loves me even though he knows who I am.  I am the accidental hypocrite.

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