Friday, April 18, 2014

"Good Friday"

My Precious Child,

“On that Friday from the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land”.  Do you remember this statement?  It was the Friday I was crucified.  For three hours there was darkness and for three days I was in the tomb.  They thought I could not save Myself, and they were right!  It was not Me I came to save but you and all those before you and after you.  God chose not to rescue Me because I was accomplishing His will.

Men demanded I be crucified, I was interrogated, I was whipped, they spat upon Me, insults were heaped on Me, I was stripped of My clothing, I was mocked, they plucked the whiskers from my beard, with a staff they struck Me on the head again and again and again.  Then they placed Me on My cross and they drove nails into my hands and feet.  I was there in your place; paying for your sin and not yours only but for the sin of the whole world.  That is why that Friday is called “Good Friday”!  I suffered all this for your sake and I would do it again.  That Friday was a good day!

My Lord, what can anyone say?  There are no words adequate; I am speechless.  I don’t deserve what you have done for me; I am unworthy of the value you placed on me.    Good Friday is a day for rejoicing: for celebration of all that God has done through you and for me.  I celebrate with tears!  Amen.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Seed!

Listen Child,

As the farmer sows his seeds out in the field hoping for a good crop so I sow My word in you hoping for a good crop.  I want you to be the good soil that bares a good crop and flourishes among the weeds.  Hear My words dear child!  

Sometimes when My word comes to you it falls on ears that are already full of
the world’s teachings so Satan comes and takes away the good part of what you hear, My part.  Sometimes when you hear My word, you become filled with joy at the hearing but then your life circumstances get hard and you forget what you have heard and you don’t learn; no lasting change happens.  Sometimes when My word comes to you the business of your life chokes it out, you have so much to do, so many plans and you focus on those things in your life and not on My word.  

This is not a chastisement dear one but a reminder that when you hear My word-be good soil;  hear it, accept it, make it part of your very soul.  If you do this you will produce a good crop that will glorify Me and your Father in Heaven.  All who see you and know you will see Me in you and want to be like you. Be good soil!

Help me be good soil Lord, my life is full, I have plans…but I know I am your child and I want to be a reflection of you in all I do and say.  Glorify yourself in me, Amen.